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Francesco Dini Photographer - Francesco Dini Photographer

Francesco Dini: classy professional photographer for weddings, ceremonies and event documentation

francesco-dini-fotografoMy area of expertise is diversified and includes a range of events like ceremonies, weddings, confirmation ceremonies, first communions, baptisms, and birthdays. I am, furthermore, specialized in portraits: family, babies and children - in the studio, in the outdoors and at home.

I would like to take the opportunity to say a few words about my style for wedding shoots.

The photographs of two people who - on that day, by getting married - mark a fundamental stage in their personal story, require, in my opinion, an absolutely unique interpretation while taking up as little time as possible for that special stroll after the wedding ceremony.

To accomplish this, together with the bride and groom, we choose places that are absolutely perfect in beauty and logistics and where they are invited to stroll, hold hands, chat with each other, not caring at all about my presence, but concentrating only on one another, so that with extreme naturalness their love can explode in the images and in the retelling of their happiness.

I try to maintain an extremely low and discreet profile during the day; I absolutely do not want to be noticed.